
Danger zombies
Danger zombies

danger zombies

If only half the people living in urban areas in the US became infected, you'd need something like 120 million munitions to kill them all in one shot. The Iraq conflict consumed 70 million rounds of munitions a year. A riot shield and the intimidating effect of co-ordinated charges will keep superior numbers of violent protesters at bay but will be useless against a beserker horde.

danger zombies

Modern civil fighting forces are equipped and trained to deal with potential threats from small groups of armed attackers - No police force would be equipped with enough munitions, manpower or tactics to deal with a threat close to the size of the local civilian population. The logistics of a war against overwhelming numbers of melee attackers would reduce the effectiveness of conventional police and military tactics. If the zombies were spreading from one city, then the military could establish a front and easily defend the majority of the country using tactics mentioned in other comments.

danger zombies


This may very well be a losing battle and the popular zombie movie trope of the military abandoning civilians could play out due to the fact that there just aren't enough resources to save everyone.


Modern professional fighting forces would be well equipped to defend themselves, but the operation they would be running is not just to contain the zombies, but to save lives. If high command, power supplies or general communications are compromised, then whole sections of the military could be crippled. If we're talking about an airborne infection that infects most major urban centres over a short timespan, It's very easy to imagine how difficult it would be for the military to effectively establish and protect supply lines, operational command centres and supply dumps to the extent that it can operate to the best of its ability. Modern professional fighting forces require supplies and munitions, communications and coordination to operate effectively. Just my thoughts on how ill-equipped the military would be in the event of a MASS zombie outbreak - I still don't believe humanity would be wiped out, but I just don't think that it would be easy to contain an outbreak and that much of the population would perish.Īll assuming that the zombie outbreak is similar to what we've seen in recent films - where the outbreak is sudden and fast and possibly even airborne. TL DR Zombies would never be a humanity ending event. Something that would quickly give way to hard pragmatism the longer shit went on. The only thing that would kill us as a species is empathy and the hope of trying to save people (reference every zombie movie ever). Nuclear weapons would be the overkill option in such a case. If you had someone willing to say "fuck it, the few for the many" and level the first city to have an outbreak and damn the healthy you'd lose a city, everyone would be very angry but it would stop right there. The only problem you really face is containing a large population of panicky civillians who will do stupid shit to put everyone at risk and keep the infection going. The zombies themselves would be trivial to any modern professional fighting force. We've discussed this at length in the army. They will freeze in the winter and dry out in the summer. Cannot navigate barbed wire (entanglement purposes), trenches, certain walls or water obstacles. Thirdly, zombies cannot deal with guns, bombs, shells or missiles which all outrange them. Hell, riot gear and tactics were designed to fight this sorta thing. Chainmail or some equivillent bite-proof gear would make a comeback in a hurry. Troops are also pretty quick to adapt solutions to battlefield problems. It does significantly mitigate the attrition on any modern fighting force. So are the infantry on foot next to the vehicle. The crew themselves are also probably equipped with gear to fight in those conditions even on foot. Which happens to rule out any sort of infectious zombies, even if they were just throwing off clouds of virus (or spores). Secondly, anything made after 1950 is going to have NBC (nuclear biological chemical) considerations built into it. Same principle applies to zombies only moreso because they lack and coordination or wherewithal to use tools. This is to prevent soldiers from simply walking up to any of them and getting inside to kill the crew. Any armoured fighting vehicle is designed so that you cannot gain access from the outside without tools and time.

Danger zombies